Aircraft Scenario Training Available

Aircraft Seating

After the success of our safe modular vehicular seating to replicate train carriages, buses and coaches the next logical step was aircraft style seating. Ultimat has achieved a totally flexible and safe system that allows you to make rows of safe aircraft seating, in numbers that suit your specific needs. Three, four, even six or more seats can be quickly put together to represent rows of any aircraft, allowing life-size aisles and knee space to train within. Aircraft Seating: With more incidents occurring on planes and prisoners being transferred…


Ultimat Down Under

ultimat down under

Southern Hemisphere Grows From Strength to Strength Having worked with our appointed distributor ‘Legear’ in Australia for the last couple of years, Tony Price our sales manager met some of the guys behind promoting our products throughout Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands. Legear have already made significant progress with our Black Wall System and range of Scenario Furniture, however they are confident that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Jason Semple the Division Manager and Neville Maher the procurement and logistics manager are working closely…
